美国PE耗材B3000653石墨管报价促销PE耗材7.5折促销报价PE耗材福建总代理PE石墨管报价 产品名称:THGA Graphite Tubes with End Cap, Pkg 5 产品号: B3000653 型号规格:AA 品牌:perkinelmer 产品价格:面议 The transversely-heated graphite tube, used on the Models AAnalyst 600/800, 4100ZL, 4110ZL, 5100ZL and the SIMAA 6000, Zeeman Furnaces includes an integrated L''vov-type platform. This advanced design ensures even heating over the entire length of the tube. The exceptionally uniform temperature distribution obtained with transverse heating significantly reduces or eliminates condensation of the sample matrix components and "memory" effects and improves the atomization efficiency for refractory elements. For improved characteristic mass with volatile and medium refractory elements such as Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Pb, Se, and Tl, the THGA graphite tubes with end caps are recommended. Additional benefits of these tubes include Improved detection limits for volatile and medium refractory elements and Faster drying for complex matrices due to enlarged dosing hole. THGA graphite tubes with end caps are not recommended for refractory elements such as V or for Ba. 厦门亿辰科技有限公司是美国铂金埃尔默公司官方授权的PE耗材代理商,公司持有PE公司颁发的PE耗材代理证书。厦门亿辰科技有限公司能够向您保证货品的来源,假一罚十,并且提供较优惠的价格,所有的报价包含17%增值税发票和运费。欢迎广大的PE耗材用户咨询。 厦门亿辰科技提供**优惠石墨管,包括热解涂层石墨管、石墨锥、L’vov平台、带有平台的热解涂层石墨管、标准THGA石墨管、带有端盖的THGA石墨管、**净THGA石墨管,保证原装进口,低价促销报价,货期短。