美国铂金埃尔默热解涂层石墨管报价PE耗材接触锥屏蔽环B0128495报价促销PE耗材**优惠7.5折促销PE耗材福建总代理 产品名称:热解涂层石墨管包括接触锥、屏蔽环 HGA Contact Cylinder for HGA 900, 850, 800, 700, 600, 300 Graphite Furnaces. 1 Set 产品号:B0128495 型号规格:AA 品牌:perkinelmer 产品价格:面议 The graphite contact cylinders used in the HGA Graphite Furnace Assembly have a special fit. Electrical resistances at the contact faces, which might affect the analytical performance, are thus reduced to a minimum. Interface from metal to graphite remains cold, due to efficient cooling. The graphite contacts are shaped to completely encase the graphite tube, placing the tube in a defined environment for uniform radiation conditions. Includes LH Contact, RH Contact, Shield Ring. 厦门亿辰科技有限公司是美国铂金埃尔默公司官方授权的PE耗材代理商,公司持有PE公司颁发的PE耗材代理证书。厦门亿辰科技有限公司能够向您保证货品的来源,假一罚十,并且提供较优惠的价格,所有的报价包含17%增值税发票和运费。欢迎广大的PE耗材用户咨询。 厦门亿辰科技提供**优惠石墨管,包括热解涂层石墨管、石墨锥、L’vov平台、带有平台的热解涂层石墨管、标准THGA石墨管、带有端盖的THGA石墨管、**净THGA石墨管,保证原装进口,7.5折低价促销报价,货期短。